
The Guardian Pakistan

The Guardian Pakistan's vision is for healthy, educated, law abiding society, where people can interact with tolerance and peace and where they can enjoy their fundamental and constitutional rights. Equity and opportunity are ensured for all, public funds and resources are used for health, education, healthy environment, women affairs, socio-economic upliftment, but accountability is present. Our war is against all kinds of corruption.

Our agency is working for spreading awareness and capacity building for women affairs at large, reproductive health and socio-economic upliftment. In this area, The Guardian Pakistan provides guidance and advice on various researches, planning and institutional matters to institutions and individuals.



The Guardian is committed to a just, vibrant, advance looking and democratic society where women are also fully empowered, gender equality, human security and opportunities are ensured for all, peace prevails and resources are shared on a sustainable and equitable basis, without corruption.



The Guardian struggles for:
Protection of citizen's rights and creating awareness. Advocate and mobilize for positive changes in policies and practices from the community to the international arena. Hold the state accountable and develop a culture of peace and tolerance, ensuring sustainable and equitable use of resources and full inclusion of rights of all people.