

Education became a money minting industry in Pakistan, due to the negligence of the government. Rulers and industrialist build schools as an investment. Owners of Private schools are exploiters, they have no interest with poor students, nor do they allow them to join their schools or offer scholarships. Today under privileged students are facing number of trials. Due to lack of funds, they remain illiterate and are forced to work as labour for bread and butter. Since no government or semi-government support program is properly running in Pakistan, millions of children are still away from the light of Education. To provide financial support to deserving educational institutions or school/college, deemed fit to the management of The Guardian is our mission, subject to arranging funds. We wish to distribute free educational books, stationary, uniforms among the needy students.

We are helping in establishing and managing Educational, Vocational, Industrial, Agricultural, Research and framing Institutions, with professional courses that train students, scholars. To attain for the challenges of the illiteracy and Injustices as they are many, but lack of funds is one that injures us the most. We all contribute in our own way – with time and effort. We all have the responsibility to carry on the task. We have been operating as a team since 2009 and our team work from various parts of the country. It is hoped that International institutions will generously support us in this mission.